I ordered this pens to give out to my employees and they love it.
Love the pens tips are higher
My staff loved it.
I and my coworkers love these pens, they're great. And so far the only people that have stolen one of these pens are my coworkers..... The 1 thing I don't like about them is that they get more wide on the top end of the pen and therefore are a bit bulky. I like to carry 5 pens at all times on me and it's hard to fit 5 of these pens into my small pen pocket of my apron. I wish these were the exact same, but with the thickness of a G2 pen.
The best purchase for waitressing EVER!!!! Love, love, love it!!!
I love the pens that say the "ink will spill" on them and the "elaborate security system" ones but the "i know i'm hot but it does't mean i have to go home with you" can be taken the wrong way from some customers. Online they all looked fun but some people are just to P.C.