As amazing as food and travel are, turning them into compelling stories, let alone for over a decade, is nearly impossible. But that is what Anthony Bourdain did better anyone else.
By all appearances, he had lead an exceptional life. Traveling the world, adored by millions, and, in the process, getting paid handsomely for his considerable talents.
But, Mr. Bourdain’s untimely passing suggests that our accepted truths can be far from reality. While he made us feel like old friends, traveling and learning about this exceptional world beside him, we actually knew nothing about Anthony Bourdain or the challenges he may have had.
It is this false sense of knowing, especially a celebrity like Mr. Bourdain, that makes deaths like his seem so shocking. But hopefully, in his passing, Anthony Bourdain can teach us something else about this world.
Life, no matter how spectacular it may appear to be, can be challenging at times. Mr. Bourdain’s passing affected me in ways he nor I would never have expected.
Each and every one of us impacts others in ways we may not fully understand or appreciate. We all need to be mindful of this and let others know how just important they are in our lives. Together, we can get though life’s inescapable challenges and help prevent tragic losses like Mr. Bourdain’s from happening.
RIP Anthony Bourdain.