Stay Calm And Save A Life

Stay Calm And Save A Life

Of course, no one likes the thought of facing emergency situations at work; and unless you're a police officer, an EMT, or a military personnel, you probably don't face scary situations very often. However, working in an environment where eating is literally going on all day, you may find yourself witnessing one particular type of emergency that requires immediate action; choking.

Choking occurs most commonly with very young children and the elderly, but it can happen to anyone. Sometimes a medical condition causes difficulty in swallowing; sometimes people (especially toddlers) just get in a hurry and don't chew their food sufficiently. And then, of course, there's always the instance where so-and-so tells a joke just as their friend is taking a big bite of steak, and... well, next thing you know, so-and-so is yelling for anyone who knows CPR because his friend has laughed and choked on the steak (what a way to ruin a good dinner!). Whatever the situation, knowing how to perform CPR is a valuable quality. There have been many instances where waiters and waitresses have saved the lives of choking victims, and they become beautiful examples of how every-day heroes are made. These life savers are usually just ordinary people who had enough foresight and love for humanity to prepare themselves for an emergency; at some point in their lives, they attended classes that taught them how to perform the Heimlich maneuver, administer chest compressions, and provide oxygen until professional medical assistance arrives.

If you would like to take the steps toward becoming CPR certified, the Red Cross provides information and training that will give you confidence as you face possible emergency scenarios in the workplace.